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Women's Investment in Community


Women’s Philanthropy believes passionately in the importance of every woman’s individual philanthropic investment. Here are a few reasons:

  • Your philanthropic commitment - whether it’s $18, $180, $1,800 or more - is a powerful statement of personal responsibility for the needs of our Jewish community.
  • Our collective power, credibility and influence are enhanced by your individual philanthropic investment.
  • As a (grand) mother, a daughter or a sister, your personal philanthropy serves as an example of putting values into action and doing good for the world.

More Information

Lion of Judah – Celebrating 50 Years!


The Lion of Judah Giving Society was endorsed nationally in 1980 to honor philanthropic women who make a significant and continuing individual gift to Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign. There are more than 18,000 Lions of Judah around the world. Women who contribute a minimum of $5,000 to the community’s Annual Campaign proudly wear the gold or platinum Lion of Judah pin as a symbol of their commitment, available for purchase through Women’s Philanthropy professionals.





Levels of Giving

Lion: $5,000–$9,999

Zahav Lion (yellow diamond): $50,000-$74,999

Ruby Lion: $10,000–$17,999

Sabra Lion (cognac diamond): $75,000–$99,999

Sapphire Lion: $18,000–$24,999

Prime Minister Council (platinum): $100,000

Emerald Lion: $25,000–$49,999

International Leadership (pavé): $250,000


Lion of Judah Endowment (LOJE)

A LOJE gift represents the creation of a permanent endowment guaranteeing that a woman’s yearly financial commitment of $5,000 or more to the Annual Campaign will be made in her name every year in perpetuity. A flame is added to the pin for a LOJE gift.



Pomegranates are a national giving society that recognizes women who make a minimum individual gift of $1,800 to Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign.

The pomegranate is a symbol of bounty, sustenance, and power. Women making this commitment proudly wear the silver pomegranate pin, available for purchase through the Women’s Philanthropy professionals.

Pearl Society – New!

Pearls are a national giving society that recognizes women who make a minimum individual gift of $365 to Jewish Federation’s Annual Campaign. This new pearl giving society recognizes a woman’s desire to give to and engage with the community through their philanthropy. Pearl Society programs are open to all Women’s Philanthropy donors of $365+ and provide a forum for Jewish women to socialize and learn from one another and from engaging programming.
The Pearl Society recognition piece is a silver Hamsa pendant necklace with a pearl inset.

To learn more about any of these levels of leadership and commitment, email or call 949-435-3484.